
Returns true if the instruction has an external dependency on external variables, false otherwise.

has_global_df() β†’ bool

By default, global dataflow sources are considered to be global variables like msg.sender,, tx.origin, and the arguments of external/public functions.

The function works in an inter-procedural manner (works recursively on the bigger data-flow graph).

Query Example

from glider import *
def query():
  #fetch an instruction
  instructions = Instructions().exec(5)
  results = []
  #check if the instruction has a dependency on a global variable
  for instruction in instructions:
    if instruction.has_global_df():
  return results


"root":{4 items
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;
return msg.sender
"root":{4 items
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
        return c;
uint256 c = a + b
"root":{4 items
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
        return c;
require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow")

Last updated