
Returns the Instruction's Value object.

get_value() -> Value | NoneObject

Query Example

from glider import *

def query():
    instructions = Instructions().exec(5)
    results = []
    for inst in instructions: 

    return instructions

Example Output

    "contract": "0xae690cf07c85bfb2de29ab32080c0ea182ae82b5",
    "contract_name": "REBITCOIN",
    "contract_link": "",
    "uuid": "3504dbc6-96ce-434a-ba41-6bbe6586e7bd",
    "severity": "",
      function REBITCOIN()
        //this is the token contract name, change to liking//
           owner = msg.sender;
           balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
        owner = msg.sender;
        balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
    "contract": "0xae690cf07c85bfb2de29ab32080c0ea182ae82b5",
    "contract_name": "REBITCOIN",
    "contract_link": "",
    "uuid": "74d783b0-22fb-425c-9c38-d2fb5f020d14",
    "severity": "",
      function REBITCOIN()
        //this is the token contract name, change to liking//
           owner = msg.sender;
           balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
      owner = msg.sender
    "contract": "0xae690cf07c85bfb2de29ab32080c0ea182ae82b5",
    "contract_name": "REBITCOIN",
    "contract_link": "",
    "uuid": "476ce4ab-819f-4e48-9f65-8a13ce3da53e",
    "severity": "",
      function REBITCOIN()
        //this is the token contract name, change to liking//
           owner = msg.sender;
           balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
      balances[owner] = _totalSupply
    "print_output": [
      <api.none_object.NoneObject object at 0x7f2d31fe6a10>,
      <api.value.ValueExpression object at 0x7f2d31e36910>,
      <api.value.ValueExpression object at 0x7f2d31ff8950>

Last updated