
Executes the formed query and returns the list of Instruction objects

exec(limit_count: int = 0, offset_count: int = 0) β†’ List[Instruction]

limit_count is the number of instructions to query, while offset_count is the offset applied to the results returned. For example with offset_count = 2, will return limit_count instructions starting from the 3rd instructions.

Return type

β†’ List[Instruction]

from glider import *

def query():
  # Fetch a list of instructions
  instructions = Instructions().exec(2)
  return instructions


    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Context",
        function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
            return msg.sender;
            return msg.sender;
    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Context",
        function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
            return msg.sender;
            return msg.sender"

Last updated