
Returns an Instructions object for the call instructions of the function/modifier.

calls_instructions() β†’ Instructions

The function returns Instructions object for all instructions that have any type of call inside it, whether it is an external, internal, library or other type of call.


from glider import *
def query():
  functions = Functions().exec(100)

  calls_instructions = []
  for function in functions:
    # List all call instructions in the given functions
    for instruction in function.calls_instructions().exec():

  return calls_instructions

Example output

    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Ownable",
    "sol_function": "constructor() {\\n        _setOwner(_msgSender());\\n    }",
    "sol_instruction": "_setOwner(_msgSender())"
    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Ownable",
    "sol_function": "constructor() {\\n        _setOwner(_msgSender());\\n    }",
    "sol_instruction": "_setOwner(_msgSender())"

Last updated