
Executes the formed query and returns the list of Contract objects.

exec(limit_count: int = 0, offset_count: int = 0) -> List[Contract]

Example Query 1

from glider import *

def query():
  contracts = Contracts().exec(3)

  return contracts

Output Example 1

        "contract": "0xd705c24267ed3c55458160104994c55c6492dfcf",
        "contract_name": "Context"
        "contract": "0xd705c24267ed3c55458160104994c55c6492dfcf",
        "contract_name": "IERC20"
        "contract": "0xd705c24267ed3c55458160104994c55c6492dfcf",
        "contract_name": "SafeMath"

Example Query 2

from glider import *

def query():

  contracts = Contracts().exec(1, 2)

  return contracts

Output Query 2

        "contract": "0xd705c24267ed3c55458160104994c55c6492dfcf",
        "contract_name": "SafeMath"

Last updated