
Returns parent function/modifier of the argument.

get_parent() → Callable

Example Query

from glider import *
def query():
    func = (Contracts()
    arg = func.arguments().list()[0]
    return []


"root":{1 item
"print_output":[2 items
0:string"uint256 tokenId"
1:string"function withdraw(uint256 tokenId) public {
        // check that the sender is the caviar owner
        require(caviar.owner() == msg.sender, "Withdraw: not owner");

        // check that the close period has been set
        require(closeTimestamp != 0, "Withdraw not initiated");

        // check that the close grace period has passed
        require(block.timestamp >= closeTimestamp, "Not withdrawable yet");

        // transfer the nft to the caviar owner
        ERC721(nft).safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, tokenId);

        emit Withdraw(tokenId);

Last updated