
Returns True if the instruction is a storage write instruction, else returns False. A storage write instruction writes to the state variable of a contract


from glider import *
def query():
  #fetch a list of instructions
  instructions = Instructions().exec(2,21) 
  for instruction in instructions:
   #print the source code of the instruction(Just to showcase the instruction too)
    #prints True/False depending on whether the instruction is a storage write instruction or not
  return []


		"_owner = newOwner", 
		"emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner,newOwner)", 

In the output above, the first instruction is a storage write instruction where the _owner state variable is written with the value of newOwner. Hence, the is_storage_write() returns `True` whereas for the second instruction it returns `False` as it does not write to any state variable

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