Copy from glider import *
def query ():
# Retrieve all functions that are named `sendMessage` and `totalSupply`
functions = Functions (). with_one_of_the_names ([ "sendMessage" , "totalSupply" ]). exec ( 100 )
# Return the first five functions
return functions [ 0 : 5 ]
Copy [
"contract" : "0xB7ecef8430C7a35C522c76b7fEF192b4517b8bB5" ,
"contract_name" : "ICrossDomainMessenger" ,
"sol_function" : "function sendMessage(\n address _target,bytes calldata _message,uint32 _gasLimit\n ) external;"
} ,
"contract" : "0xeb5080232932DFf03088298233ddb9e8bF1D344f" ,
"contract_name" : "ICrossDomainMessenger" ,
"sol_function" : "function sendMessage(\n address _target,bytes calldata _message,uint32 _gasLimit\n ) external;"
} ,
"contract" : "0x0312c342aB049CeD994307C1d86B18ff61A22B54" ,
"contract_name" : "ICrossDomainMessenger" ,
"sol_function" : "function sendMessage(\n address _target,bytes calldata _message,uint32 _gasLimit\n ) external;"
} ,
"contract" : "0x5818840763Ee28ff0A3E3e8CB9eDeDd07Fb1Cd3f" ,
"contract_name" : "iOVM_CrossDomainMessenger" ,
"sol_function" : "function sendMessage(\n address _target,bytes calldata _message,uint32 _gasLimit\n ) external;"
} ,
"contract" : "0x5818840763Ee28ff0A3E3e8CB9eDeDd07Fb1Cd3f" ,
"contract_name" : "iOVM_L1CrossDomainMessenger" ,
"sol_function" : "function sendMessage(\n address _target,bytes calldata _message,uint32 _gasLimit\n ) external;"
Copy from glider import *
def query ():
# Retrieve the modifiers that are named `onlyCaller` and `onlyClient`
modifiers = Modifiers (). with_one_of_the_names ([ "onlyCaller" , "onlyClient" ]). exec ( 100 )
# Return the first five modifiers
return modifiers [ 0 : 5 ]
Copy [
"contract" : "0x7386A87c0ccF7C6d03172B110E58965c26Db221B" ,
"contract_name" : "BridgeStorage" ,
"sol_modifier" : "modifier onlyCaller() {\n require(msg.sender == caller,\"only use main contract to call\");\n _;\n }"
} ,
"contract" : "0x7386A87c0ccF7C6d03172B110E58965c26Db221B" ,
"contract_name" : "BridgeLogic" ,
"sol_modifier" : "modifier onlyCaller(){\n require(msg.sender == caller,\"only main contract can call\");\n _;\n }"
} ,
"contract" : "0xba0c2df7c1b5abbc3c058f40b18f5c3940b24122" ,
"contract_name" : "Presale01" ,
"sol_modifier" : "modifier onlyCaller() {\n require(CALLER == msg.sender,\"NOT PRESALE CALLER\");\n _;\n }"
} ,
"contract" : "0x9aa1878934E222F116131D321F7cFd91f4A26d15" ,
"contract_name" : "EscrowClone" ,
"sol_modifier" : "modifier onlyClient() {\n require(msg.sender == client);\n _;\n }"
} ,
"contract" : "0xdE8C117EE523615B6Ec057d504822694F1191509" ,
"contract_name" : "TransportationOffert" ,
"sol_modifier" : "modifier onlyClient(uint _index) {\n require(msg.sender == Agreement_by_No[_index].client,\"Only Client can access this\");\n _;\n }"