✍️Glider and Declarative Query Writing

Glider and Declarative Query Writing

Declarative programming is a style of coding where the developer describes what should be done rather than how it should be done. In declarative code, goals or results are expressed, while the details of execution are left to the system or runtime environment.

Key Characteristics of Declarative Programming

  • Focus on the Result: Instead of specifying a step-by-step process for completing a task, declarative programming focuses on what needs to be achieved.

  • Minimal Explicit Steps: There is no need to describe all intermediate steps of the task; the system determines how to achieve the result on its own.

Examples of Declarative Languages and Approaches

  • SQL: The developer describes what data is needed but does not specify how the database should retrieve it.

  • Functional Programming (e.g., Haskell): The developer describes functions and relationships between data without worrying about how they will be executed.

  • CSS: The appearance of elements is described, but not how the browser applies these styles. Unlike imperative programming, the declarative style simplifies code, making it easier to write, more readable and easier to modify, especially in complex systems.

Comparison of Declarative and Imperative Approaches

  • Imperative and declarative approaches to programming differ in how they describe task execution. Here are the main differences between them:

  • Approach to Describing a Solution:

  • Imperative Approach: Focuses on how to perform a task, providing step-by-step instructions to achieve the result.

  • Declarative Approach: Describes what needs to be done without specifying how it should be achieved.


Imperative (Python):

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
evens = []
for number in numbers:
    if number % 2 == 0:

Here, the steps are explicitly specified: create a list, iterate through each element, check if it is even, and add it to a new list.

Declarative (Python, list comprehension):

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
evens = [number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0]

We simply specify that we want to get the even numbers from the list, without describing the process step by step.

Readability and Code Maintenance:

Imperative Approach: Can become complex to read and maintain as the number of steps and complexity of algorithms increase.

Declarative Approach: Generally results in more concise, understandable code that is easier to maintain, as it only describes the goal.

Level of Abstraction:

Imperative Approach: Typically operates at a low level of abstraction, as it requires detailed description of each step, including managing the program's state.

Declarative Approach: Operates at a higher level of abstraction, as it hides implementation details and focuses on the final goal.

Now that we have covered what declarative coding is, it's time to move on to Glider!

Glider gives the ability to mix declarative and imperative forms to write code queries.

Before the release of Glider 1.0: As the user has filtered Contracts/Functions/Instructions, they received a list of objects they wanted. Then, using imperative methods (e.g., if, for, while), they iterated over these objects to write their query.

This approach, while functional, has several drawbacks: Imperative code is more difficult to read and write. Due to the large number of nested loops and checks, it becomes hard to comprehend. There is a significant amount of duplicated code. Recognizing these issues, the approach to writing queries in Glider 1.0 was completely revised, and it now aligns more closely with the declarative programming style.

What Was Changed?

Now, the functions of most Glider 1.0 classes return not standard lists, sets, or tuples but new objects of the APIList/APISet/APITuple classes.

What is useful about these classes?

Let's examine the difference using the example of a query to find reentrancy vulnerabilities in ERC777.

A query without using the declarative approach looks as follows:

from glider import *
def query():
    @title: ERC777 reentrancy.
    @description: The query is designed to find ERC777 reentrancy bugs in contracts, the pattern looks like this.
    @author: Hexens team.
    @tags: reentrancy, erc777, read-only reentrancy, bridge
    @references: https://github.com/Hexens/Smart-Contract-Review-Public-Reports/blob/main/Hexens_Polygon_zkEVM_PUBLIC_27.02.23.pdf
    instructions = (
        Functions() # we iterate over all functions
        .with_one_property([MethodProp.PUBLIC, MethodProp.EXTERNAL]) # filter only public and external
        .without_modifier_names(['nonReentrant', 'lock', 'onlyOwner']) # filter out the ones with these modifiers
        .with_arg_type('address') # has an argument of type address
        .instructions() # level-down to the instructions of the filtered functions
        .with_callee_function_name('balanceOf') # take the instructions that have a balanceOf call
        .exec(3000)) # limit the result to the first 3000
    results = [] # prepare a list that will include the results
    for ins in instructions: # iterate over all of the instructions we got
        for second in ins.next_instruction(): # take all of the instructions that come after our balanceOf instruction in the CFG graph
            if second.is_call() and ('transferFrom' in second.callee_names() or 'safeTransferFrom' in second.callee_names()):
                for third in second.next_instruction(): # take all the instructions that come after the transferFrom
                    if third.is_call() and 'balanceOf' in third.callee_names(): # check that we have a balanceOf once more
                        results.append(ins) # append to the resulting set
    return results

In this query, the declarative part is only the fragment where we find all instructions with the function call transferFrom. Additionally, the function where transferFrom is called must be public or external, one of its arguments must be of type address, and it should not contain the modifiers nonReentrant, lock, or onlyOwner.

After we find the corresponding instructions, we use a for loop to iterate through them and, using the next_instruction() function, obtain the next instruction after the balanceOf call. We then check if this instruction contains a call to the transferFrom or safeTransferFrom function. If such a call is present, we move to the next instruction after the transferFrom/safeTransferFrom call and check if the balanceOf function is called there.

If so, we have found the required contracts. We add such instructions to the result list and return it. The entire code for this query takes around 40 lines, uses 3 for loops, and creates one result list.

Now let's look at the new syntax in Glider 1.0 for declarative query writing. The logic of the query will remain unchanged:

from glider import *
def query():
    instructions = (
        .with_one_property([MethodProp.PUBLIC, MethodProp.EXTERNAL])
        .without_modifier_names(['nonReentrant', 'lock', 'onlyOwner'])
        .filter(lambda x: "transferFrom" in x.callee_names() or 'safeTransferFrom' in x.callee_names())
        .filter(lambda x: "balanceOf" in x.callee_names())
    return instructions

The first thing that stands out is the noticeable reduction in the amount of code compared to the initial query.

Let's explore how it works!

The first part, where we retrieve the necessary instructions, remains the same as in the previous query. However, next, we use the next_instruction function, which is only available for objects of type Instruction. How is this possible? In Glider Engine, after calling the exec() function, you get a list of objects depending on the type of the object on which the exec() method was called.

For example, when exec() is called on an object of type Instructions, the function will return an APIList[Instruction], whereas in the previous version of Glider, it would have returned a List[Instruction]. What is the difference between APIList[type] and List[type]? APIList[type] allows you to apply a method not to the entire list at once, but to each individual element.

Therefore, we can call the next_instruction method, which is defined for Instruction, on the entire list of instructions without using a for loop. One of the key features of the APIList[type], APISet[type], and APITuple[type] structures is their unidimensionality. This means that when calling the next_instructions function, which returns an APIList[Instruction], the result will be a one-dimensional APIList.

In other words, the lists returned from the called functions maintain the same type of structure APIList, APISet, or APITuple with which we started working. This makes it possible to chain functions/properties on the list, as with other declarative parts.

This feature has its pros and cons. The advantage is that we always know exactly the data type we deal with. However, the downside is that sometimes, due to this feature, it may be necessary to use traditional imperative approaches. For example, if you need to filter the list returned by the next_instructions function and select the original instructions based on checks, this might require breaking the query chain and using loops.

It is important to note that after calling such a method, all objects in APIList[Instruction] will be modified. In our case, APIList[Instruction] will contain all subsequent instructions for the instructions obtained in the first part of our query.

What does this give us? The ability to write queries this way allows for more compact and readable queries, as seen in the examples.

One of the significant updates is the filter() function, which also supports better chaining list filtering during query writing. The filter() function is a higher-order function that takes another function as an argument. The function passed to filter() must be a predicate function, meaning it should return a boolean value (true or false).

This requirement ensures more explicit query behaviour. The filter() function allows the following: if the predicate function is passed to filter() returns true, the object from APIList[type] will remain in the list; if false, the object will be removed. This helps eliminate if statements, making queries shorter and more readable.

Let's examine the use of the filter() function with an example. In the declarative query, the first call to filter() received a predicate lambda function: lambda x: "transferFrom" in x.callee_names() or 'safeTransferFrom' in x.callee_names(). As an argument, this lambda function automatically receives an instruction from the APIList[Instruction] list. If the lambda function returns true, the instruction remains in the APIList[Instruction]; if false, it is removed.

As a result, the length of the query code is 12 lines. This query does not use for loops or if statements, and no separate result list is created. The readability of the query has significantly increased, and the process of writing it has become simpler.

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