
Returns the type of the call

get_call_type() β†’ CallType

The Call represents all types of call values: external, internal, log emit, etc. This function can be used to get the type of the call.

Query Example

from glider import *

def query():
  instructions = Functions().with_name('deploy').instructions().calls().exec(2)

  for instruction in instructions:
    for call in instruction.get_callee_values():
        print(call.expression, call.get_call_type())

  return instructions


"root":{4 items
function deploy(address stakingToken, uint rewardAmount) public onlyOwner {
        StakingRewardsInfo storage info = stakingRewardsInfoByStakingToken[stakingToken];
        require(info.stakingRewards == address(0), 'StakingRewardsFactory::deploy: already deployed');
        info.stakingRewards = address(new StakingRewards(/*_rewardsDistribution=*/ address(this), rewardsToken, stakingToken));
        info.rewardAmount = rewardAmount;
require(info.stakingRewards == address(0), 'StakingRewardsFactory::deploy: already deployed')
"root":{4 items
function deploy(address stakingToken, uint rewardAmount) public onlyOwner {
        StakingRewardsInfo storage info = stakingRewardsInfoByStakingToken[stakingToken];
        require(info.stakingRewards == address(0), 'StakingRewardsFactory::deploy: already deployed');
        info.stakingRewards = address(new StakingRewards(/*_rewardsDistribution=*/ address(this), rewardsToken, stakingToken));
        info.rewardAmount = rewardAmount;
info.stakingRewards = address(new StakingRewards(/*_rewardsDistribution=*/ address(this), rewardsToken, stakingToken))
"root":{1 item
"print_output":[4 items
0:string"require(bool,string)(info.stakingRewards == address(0),"StakingRewardsFactory::deploy: already deployed")"
2:string"new StakingRewards(address(this),rewardsToken,stakingToken)"

As can be seen in the example above, the call:

require(info.stakingRewards == address(0), 'StakingRewardsFactory::deploy: already deployed')

has returned call type of CallType.SOLIDITY, and the call:

new StakingRewards(address(this),rewardsToken,stakingToken)

returned call type CallType.PUBLIC, as the call is a contract creation call, it will follow its constructor function (if possible) and inherit the type of the call from it.

Last updated