
Page to follow the updates on Glider engine



Added functions:

  • Add filter function in APIIterable


  • Make some functions deprecated:

    • Functions::with_all_properties

    • Functions::with_one_property

    • Functions::without_properties

Bug fixes:

  • Add source_code for all entities



Added functions:

  • Added Modifier::properties()

  • Added StateVariable::is_accessible


  • Changed return types of some functions from APIList to APISet

    • next_instructions

    • previous_instruction

    • previous_instructions

    • forward_df

    • backward_df

    • extended_forward_df

    • extended_backward_df

  • Update APIIterable implementation:

    • Now any function, that retunrs any APIIterable, that called on APIIterable be flattened

    • Exlude NoneObjects form the APIIterable

Bug fixes:

  • extended_backward_df/has_extended_global_df does not return state_vars (when the state var is declared in base contracts) Now extended_backward_df/has_extended_global_df will work for inherited private variables too.

  • Fixed TypeError: NoneObject object is not iterable



Added functions:

  • Added Point::has_extended_global_df


  • Added types for Values

Bug fixes:

  • Take into account the functions called when calling Instruction::extended_backward_df.

  • Take into account the functions called when calling Instruction::extended_backward_df.

  • Fixed extended_forward_df. It couldn’t go through the multiple chain of calls


  • Optimized (about 10%) extended_next_instructions function



Added functions:

  • Added Functions::with_properties_considering_modifiers

  • Added ArgumentPoint class

  • Added StatePoint class

  • Added GlobalPoint classes

  • Added custom iterables. Now there are, APIList, APISet and APITuple.


  • Rename class Var to VarValue

  • Rename a function Vars::get_definig_nodes -> Vars::get_definig_points. Also, the return type has changed. Now it is possible to use it as an API function.

  • Changed the return type of Contract::errors() from List["api.Error"] to "api.Errors"

Bug fixes:

  • Take into account called functions when calling Instruction::extended_previous_instructions. The algorithm includes the instructions of called functions too.



Added functions:

  • Added AssemblyInstruction::get_block_instructions

  • Added global taint sources - MSG_SENDER, MSG_VALUE, BLOCK_TIMESTAMP, NOW, TX_ORIGIN

  • Added API functions to filter functions/modifiers with custom property expression

    • Functions::with_properties()

    • Functions::with_modifier_properties()

    • Modifiers::with_properties()

    • Added HAS_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_READfor functions/modifiers propetry expression

    • Example: Functions::with_modifier_properties(HAS_ARGS & (~HAS_CALLEES | IS_PRIVATE))

  • Added Callable::new_contract_instructions and Instructions::new_contract_instructions functions to get instructions that create a new contract. Also added Instruction::is_new_contract function

  • Added Callables::extended_callee_functions

  • Added Functions::extended_caller_functions

  • Added Functions::extended_caller_modifiers


  • Removed Instrucitons::asm_instructions()

  • Made Instruction's operands single Value

  • Function::return_tuple returns Value

Bug fixes:

  • Added missing return data types

  • Fixed bug in the data flow graph

V0.5 (16.05.2024):


Added functions:

  • Callable.extended_callee_functions()

  • Callable.extended_instructions()

  • Function.extended_caller_functions()

  • Functions.with_declarer_contract_name()

  • Value.get_state_vars()

  • Value.get_local_vars()

  • Value.get_global_vars()

  • Value.get_arg_vars()

  • Value.get_vars()


  • Introduced a common base class Variable

  • function name refactorings

  • entity names and type and similar fields became properties (methods before)

  • ConditionalExpression is removed, and the ValueExpression-s will express that instead.

Bug fixes:

  • modifier property filter bug fix

  • different fixes with Value/Call functionality

  • fixes in extended* functions


  • Implemented query caching; this works only for the DB query part. Whenever a user runs a query, the DB query (declarative) part will get cached for some time, and the next run will return the DB output instantly. This hugely improves the process of writing queries as usually the most debugging is done after the DB results are fetched, e.g. on dataflow checks. The cache is global, so in case one user has already queried the exact same thing, other users will not wait for the result as well

  • Query translation optimizations

  • Query execution optimization.

Last updated