
Returns an Instructions object for the instructions of the function/modifier.

instructions() β†’ Instructions

The function will return all of the instructions directly reachable from the function.


from glider import *
def query():
  functions = Functions().exec(1)

  instructions = []
  for instruction in functions[0].instructions().exec():
    # Return an array of all instructions for a function

  return instructions

Example output

    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Ownable",
    "sol_function": "function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {\\n        _setOwner(address(0));\\n    }",
    "sol_instruction": "_setOwner(address(0))"
    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Ownable",
    "sol_function": "function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {\\n        _setOwner(address(0));\\n    }",
    "sol_instruction": "onlyOwner"

Last updated