This page describes what are the main concepts of writing Glider queries.
A query can be separated into two parts: declarative queries (also called online part) and imperative arbitrary logic part (offline part)
Imagine the following query:
def query(): # The name query() is constant, and should not be changed
# Querying the DB in declarative manner
instructions = Functions()\
.with_one_property([MethodProp.EXTERNAL, MethodProp.PUBLIC])\
.without_properties([MethodProp.HAS_MODIFIERS, MethodProp.IS_CONSTRUCTOR])\
.exec() # chain of calls must always end with exec() otherwise the query will not be dispatched
# Arbitrary logic part, where we analyse the CFG/DFG graphs to filter the result
results =[]
for i in instructions: # iterate over instructions that we got from query
if i.has_global_df(): # check that the instruction has a dataflow from global vars
# such as msg.sender, tx.origin, function arguments etc..
# basically we want to check that the selfdestruct's param is controllable by the caller
# use a variable to mark whether the instruction should be included in the result or not
flag = True
# previous_instructions will return all of the instruction that come before in the CFG (control flow graph)
for prev in i.previous_instructions():
#check if its a function call of "if" and that it does not include msg.sender in the expression
if (prev.is_call() or prev.is_if()) and 'msg.sender' in prev.source_code():
flag = False
# include the instruction in the resulting set
if flag:
return results # to see the results the query() function must return a list of objects
Code as data
Glider compiles and constructs artefacts from source code and places them in a specialized high-performance database.
showcases the declarative part of the query, where we use api.Functions class to iterate over all of the functions and filter them, then we continue the chain and "level-down" to the instructions of already filtered functions, and then we filter the instructions.
Arbitrary logic (CFG/DFG/Taint analysis)
Glider leverages the Python environment to give users the possibility to write arbitrary logic on the data received from DB.
# Arbitrary logic part, where we analyse the CFG/DFG graphs to filter the result
results =[]
for i in instructions: # iterate over instructions that we got from query
if i.has_global_df(): # check that the instruction has a dataflow from global vars
# such as msg.sender, tx.origin, function arguments etc..
# basically we want to check that the selfdestruct's param is controllable by the caller
# use a variable to mark whether the instruction should be included in the result or not
flag = True
# previous_instructions will return all of the instruction that come before in the CFG (control flow graph)
for prev in i.previous_instructions():
#check if its a function call of "if" and that it does not include msg.sender in the expression
if (prev.is_call() or prev.is_if()) and 'msg.sender' in prev.source_code():
flag = False
# include the instruction in the resulting set
if flag:
As you can see, we use basic Python constructs and Glider's functionality here to do quite complex filtering of the result.
We check that the instruction we got has a global dataflow (controllable by the caller) and that there is no function call or "if"s containing msg.sender that precedes the selfdestruct call.
This is a playbook example of a query, while it already can yield very good results, the query has a lot of room for improvement, e.g. instead of checking msg.sender to not be part of the expression one should check that the call/if expressions are not tainted from msg.sender.
Users can combine declarative and imperative logic in any order and number.
Returning results
Experimental feature - print()
Glider has an experimental feature to show you print() outputs that you would place in the query code. This is mainly useful while debugging the query code. Whatever Glider prints during the execution will be aggregated and shown as the last output root in the output (right) window.
Note that the feature is experimental and may be removed in future.
for prev in i.previous_instructions():
if (prev.is_call() or prev.is_if()) and 'msg.sender' in prev.procedure_graph_node.expression:
flag = False
print(prev.solidity_callee_names()) # add this line to the code
In the Glider's web interface, the queries will usually start with
from glider import *
While this will not affect the execution of the query in any way, and this line can be skipped, it is used for the query editor interface to activate the Intellisense with autocomplete, tooltips, and other features.
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