
Returns an Instruction object with specified id from function.

instruction_with_id() β†’ Instruction

This function is used internally while traversing CFG/DFG graphs.


from glider import *
def query():
  functions = Functions().with_modifiers_name_not(["onlyOwner"]).exec(100)

  # Return the instruction with a specific id in a function
  return [functions[0].instruction_with_id(1)]

Example output

    "contract": "0x798AcB51D8FBc97328835eE2027047a8B54533AD",
    "contract_name": "Context",
    "sol_function": `
    // Formatted for the example
    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;
    "sol_instruction": "return msg.sender"

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