
Returns a list of Var objects of current value whose corresponding object is a GlobalVariable.

get_global_vars() -> List[Var]

The function returns all the global variables, e.g. msg.sender, msg.value, tx.origin, ..., used inside the Value.

For the list of global variables, please refer to GlobalVariables.


from glider import *

def query():
	# lets find _msgSender functions as there should be a msg.sender usage
	functions = Functions()\
	for function in functions:
		for instruction in function.instructions().exec():
			for operand in instruction.get_operands():
				global_vars = operand.get_global_vars()
				if len(global_vars)>0:
					print([x.expression for x in global_vars])
	return functions

Example Output

"root":{3 items
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) {
        return msg.sender;
"root":{1 item
"print_output":[1 item

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