
Returns a list of Var objects of current value whose corresponding object is a StateVariable.

get_state_vars() -> List[Var]

The function returns all the state variables used (read/written) inside the Value.


from glider import *

def query():
	# lets find some functions that read/write state vars
	functions = Functions()\
		.with_one_property([MethodProp.HAS_STATE_VARIABLES_READ, MethodProp.HAS_STATE_VARIABLES_WRITTEN])\
	for function in functions:
		for instruction in function.instructions().exec():
			for operand in instruction.get_operands() + instruction.get_dest():
				state_vars = operand.get_state_vars()
				if len(state_vars)>0:
					print([x.expression for x in state_vars])
	return functions

Example Output

"root":{3 items
function REBITCOIN()
     //this is the token contract name, change to liking//

        owner = msg.sender;
        balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
"root":{3 items
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 l_totalSupply) 
        l_totalSupply = _totalSupply;
"root":{1 item
"print_output":[4 items
2:string"['balances', 'owner']"

Last updated